Daily Gratitude: This follows nicely on yesterday’s post. I think we spend too much time trying to be what we think others want us to be. In the 80s I had a horrible experience at work which forced me to realize this. I’m sure I had been doing it for years but this was the first time I’d recognized it. It was like an out of body experience where I saw myself responding (maybe reacting is a better word) in one way to LCDR so and so and then moving to the next desk where CPT x was sitting and responding in a completely different manner. And so on. There was no Terrie in there. It was all about doing what the other person wanted me to do or be. Thank goodness I realized it and was able to make some changes to begin the process of being me. I’m still not there and it’s been 40 years but I’m a lot closer. So my advice to you is determine who you are and who you want to be and set out on that path. Do not be deterred. It’s your choice.

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