Daily Gratitude: I’ve talked about courage several times. But I think the underlying message in this quote is- at least in my opinion- can add some hope for those who think they don’t have much courage. I think the best place for someone to start is to review their life and see what scared the heck out of them but that they ended up doing it anyway. I was terrified of flying. But then my grandfather died and I had to get first to NY from Vermont and then to Florida. I went. Why? Because of my grandmother. Had it been my grandmother that had died I would not have found the courage since my grandfather wasn’t totally alert and wouldn’t have known if I was there or not. I found the courage because my “why” (yes we’re back to that) was deeper and more important than my fear. In the grand scheme of things this is a tiny event. But it was big for me and showed courage even if it was just to me. That’s what I want you to look at. Was there a party you didn’t want to go to because you’re shy or didn’t know anyone? But you went anyway? That’s courage and I know that every one of you has something like that happening in your life at some point. Think about it and celebrate your courage. You can celebrate by yourself or with others. The important thing is to recognize it!!