Daily Gratitude: I have talked about this several times before but it’s one of those things that can’t be emphasized enough. Once you have your desire firmly planted in your mind and soul, and then let go of trying to control everything, going with the flow as they say, things will come to you. That’s what Goddard is saying here. He got out of his own way and was surprised that once he stopped trying to make things go “his way”, the opportunities began to fall into his space. I love this concept and it’s happened to me as well. Often it’s easier to let go when you’re paying attention to other things and you’re not trying to force alignment. I can tell you how many times my idea of what alignment is is not what it needed to be. You may say “well Terrie you wanted to be a doctor since you were 4 and then you got rejected twice. How can you say the opportunities arose”. Easy. 1) the delay in getting in allowed my epilepsy to manifest for the year before it was diagnosed. I most likely would have dropped out of medical school had I been in when I started having the symptoms. 2) it allowed me to find out about Osteopathy and apply there. This was the best thing that could have happened since it was the type of medicine I really wanted to practice although I didn’t know it. Also developing epilepsy forced me to give up my dream of being a neurosurgeon which was also the best thing that could happen (if you can have two best things) since I ended up influencing many more people in the career path I followed. Sorry this is so long but wanted to give you examples