Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: How do your dreams and regrets measure up against one another? You can always have a dream even if it’s a little one. When you get to my age your dreams aren’t necessarily long term but I can still have them. I have just adjusted things. For example I never even tried to get my books sent through the usual publishing process. Yes I know they probably aren’t good enough but even if they were it takes 18-24 or more months from the time you get accepted by a publisher until publication. I don’t have all that time to work. So I’m fortunate enough to live in an era where there is an alternative. I would definitely have regretted it had I not tried. Same with my attempt to cross the US on foot. I’d wanted to do that for 30 years and I finally tried. I didn’t complete it but had I not tried, I’d have regretted for a very long time. Take an inventory and see how you’re doing in this regard.

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