2 August 2024
Daily Gratitude: This idea came to me one morning as i was reading. I have no idea why but it seemed like a fun thing to do. Here’s the steps: 1) close your eyes and then review your body as it was in the past. 2) pick something that you had a problem with or disliked at that time (or at any time in the past). It doesn’t matter how big or how small. 3) take a piece of paper or a notebook (or a computer but writing by hand is more effective due to the engagement of more neural circuits) and write down all the reasons you disliked it or were worried about it or how it caused you consternation or anxiety. Just scribble as fast as you can. If you don’t like writing. 4) stop for a few minutes and with your eyes closed, take some deep breaths (look up different breathing practices if you’d like). 5) now write about that part of you and how you feel about it NOW. What has changed? Maybe you still don’t like it but i will bet that your emotional response to it has changed in some way. Or maybe it’s not so important anymore. Again just write don’t judge. 6) what have you noticed about your thoughts and feelings about this one simple (or not so simple) part of you? This is the key point in your life. How has your perspective changed? Is this part still of such great import? Or has it taken a back seat to your soul or your kindness or other personal characteristics? You’ll be amazed at what you find out from a short examination of the parts of your body.