What If There Were No Calendars

Do you realize that you (and me, too, of course) are being ruled by either a piece of paper or an electronic item? The Calendar! How would you feel if we didn’t have calendars. You wouldn’t know how old you were so maybe you could actually feel like you wanted to feel. You’d still know you were aging but it’s wouldn’t be so quantitative and right there in your face. No one would ask “how old are you?” because you couldn’t know. Maybe we’d then have Christmas music in the stores all year round – or just maybe once it got cold enough to know or maybe we wouldn’t even know when Christmas was. Then Christmas could be every day. Think about how much we let that single item (the Calendar) rule our lives. We do “countdowns”, we determine when we’ll start going after goals (New Years), we determine what gift to give to whom, we determine when to discard someone’s being because they are too old. I am still a slave to the calendar even after retiring. It’s as if I have to have some kind of anchor and every time I catch myself wondering what day it is, then I think about how much older I’m getting and you know “there’s no time to lose” and on an on. I just want to slap my face and say “wake up”! Take a moment to fantasize – that is, if you can fit that moment into your calendar” – and think of how your life would be and how you would feel? Would you have more stress or less stress? What will make your life better? Since we can’t get rid of calendars, what modifications can you make to help things seem less stressful. Just a thought.

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