Daily Gratitude: It took me a long time but i’m so much better at this in the last couple of years. Better late than never I guess. However, i can definitely attest to the truth of this statement. As I’ve become more at ease entering new situations and meeting new people, my anxiety level has dramatically decreased and i go into these situations looking foward to what’s going to happen instead of dreading it as i did for decades. Once again, i have to credit Internal Family Systems (IFS) for my success at that. I don’t have to be defensive any more because i know that if i make a mistake at something, that just relects that one thing at that particular moment. it does NOT reflect anything about me. If i can’t so something, i now know to follow it with the understanding that i can’t do it yet and know that it’s because i haven’t learned and practiced enough. Again it doesn’t mean I am a bad person. I can’t tell you what a difference in my life this has made. I find loving myself makes it easier to love everyone else and that’s a big goal. I have received so much in my life that it’s time to give back. I encourage you to look at everything you do in “chunks” so that you can analyze them as individual items, not as a part of your entire self. It’s so much more calming and relaxing.