The eclipse yesterday was interesting in so many ways.
Some people were able to see the whole thing and others not as well or not as much. That is just like life. Not all of us are exposed to the same circumstances. Our job is to make the most of what we have and not worry about what we don’t have.
Here in San Antonio the clouds threatened to block our view of it. It was clear in the morning and then about 30 minutes before it started, those fluffy pillows floated right over the sun. But you know what? It was still going to happen whether we could see it or not. Things in life will happen even when we’re not privy to them. Get used to that. Would it have been disappointing to not see it? For some, yes; for others, no. But regardless of your disappointment, the things that are supposed to happen are going to. They are not going to wait for you to “get ready” or to “decide” whether or not you want to see it.
But the universe was good. The clouds parted just after the moon had traveled about 1/8th of the way. There was a sparkling blue sky after that. Perfect. So, have faith and things will work out. If you don’t think they are working out, wait and see. In the long run, they will have happened for a specific purpose. Use my mantra “Everything always works out for me!”
The symbolism goes even further, though. Be like the sun. Stand firm no matter what tries to obscure your light. Eventually that thing or person will no longer block your beauty and you’ll shine through again. Be steadfast. Those who just want to gain the attention can have their limelight (their 15 minutes of fame). It will pass. Another important mantra – “This, too, shall pass.” This can apply to tragic things as well. it may seem as if there’s a very slow moon traveling over your existence and happiness. But if you stick to you core values, you will outlast it. That is true endurance.
Be like the sun, my friends.

The leaves reflected the eclipse

The clouds right before the eclipse began

More clouds

It’s a cruddy view I know but it was the best I could get through the glasses
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