Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: This is just a little one today. And that’s what it’s about. The little things. Can you think about how you rushed about your day yesterday (or maybe even today depending on when you’re reading this)? How often did you stop and actually look around you in detail? It’s one of the reasons I no longer mind being so slow when I walk. I see things around me that either fascinate me or just fill me with the happiness of being around them. It might be beauty if I’m walking in the park or it might be something more modern if I’m walking in a neighborhood (like the cute way a house is decorated or a nice car). It’s simply appreciation for something very small. Do you thank your coffee pot (or tea pot or juice maker)? You might consider it. How much easier is it making your life? Then thank ALL the people that were involved it bringing it to you. Just as all the commercials say “brought to you by….” Fill in your own … after that. It’s fun and it will make you pay attention to the little things in your life that bring you happiness and joy.

I am grateful for all the little things that enable me to write these messages every day!

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