Daily Gratitude

 Daily Gratitude: What form of self reflection do you use? Do you journal; do you have a “shutdown” time at night, do you talk to yourself; do you discuss things with a therapist or Eve a best friend? It’s so important that we not just go through our days but that we learn from them. How did you respond to something? Was it the best way you could or were there aspects of it that you’d like to change? If you don’t think about it, you won’t change it. I have a daily morning routine and if I don’t do it I feel really out of whack. I would love to have an evening shutdown routine too but i have not been able to establish one. It’s very strange but it’s also because I have other habits that interfere. So that tells me I’m not committed enough. That’s a form of self reflection and it’s good but it would be even better if i really analyzed what I could do to make it stick. That would be most valuable. So that is something I’ve learned about myself and am going to work on. I am probably trying to do too many things all at once instead of taking it bit by bit. That’s also something I’m learning about myself. See, just writing this has been a form of self reflection and you can do the same. Since it’s the weekend, take some time and think about what you learned about yourself this week. Take 3-5 minutes. That’s all. See what happens and how you like it. Go from there.
I am grateful so many people have received their books. Although it’s frightening to “take your clothes off” in front of all the people I know, I am grateful i found the courage to do it.