Daily Gratitude

 Daily Gratitude: What’s going through your mind right now? Stop and identify those thoughts. Now think how can you change them. Because you can change your thoughts. And you can do it in a split second – once you decide to change them. If you’re feeling tired, can you just think something like “this is just a feeling. I have much more energy than I think I do!” I’m not telling you to change that thought immediately into “wow I feel so energized I could run a marathon”. If you can do that big a change, great! But most of us have to start small and that’s ok. Remember that tiny acorn and what it becomes. You can become that mighty oak tree too. Start small and be consistent. What’s one thought you can use to replace any less than desirable one today? You can use that technique too in case you don’t want to reframe all the thoughts that are less than fulfilling. Come up with several replacements and write them down or put them on your phone. Then use them. See if anything happens.
I am grateful that I love to write!

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