Daily Gratitude

 Daily Gratitude: It seems there’s been a lot about fear in these daily posts and I don’t mind that. It’s an important topic and one we don’t often think objectively about or even think about at all. Most often we just play Thanksgiving Turkey and stuff it all down deep inside. That has adverse repercussions later in your life though. Or, we can be paralyzed by them. We can sit and worry (just another word for fear – there are so many) or feel anxious (same) and not do anything. For the past few days I’ve been spinning my wheels because I have two books I want to work on and one is tough but the other isn’t. I wasn’t getting anything done. So yesterday I decided that part of my problem was the mess of books (my “Writing Books”) that was all around me. There were piles of them and they weren’t neatly stacked. It was a mess. Fortunately I decided to do something and that was to clean them up and put them in their proper places. So i did. And you know what. Just that action allowed the decision about which book to work on was made. My mind was no longer cluttered when my space wasn’t but it was really the action I took that helped. I could have gone walking and the same thing probably would have happened but I haven’t been able to for those same few days. What can you get up and do when you’re worrying or feeling anxious or afraid? Make a plan ahead so that you don’t sit and worry because you don’t know what to do – the inevitable vicious circle.

I am grateful for those of you who will still be my friend after you read the things I reveal in my book. I knew it was a risk but decided to take it.