Daily Gratitude

Daily Gratitude: This is an interesting thought. I know it means that we have to pick something “good” to focus on when we’re feeling down. And I totally agree. But you can also look at it another way – the more you focus on what’s wrong, the worse things become. They become worse because they cause more fear and worry. You’re probably saying something like “this is BS. My loved one is in the hospital dying. How could my focusing on them make things worse?” It’s not the focusing on them that makes it worse. It’s the focusing on the fear you have they will die or that they will suffer more. What is that doing to your already exhausted system? It’s generating more fight or flight response’s which floods your system with the stress chemicals we’ve been talking about. Try to focus on all the good times you had and all the good that person did in their lifetime. Focus on the love, not the absence of it that you’ll be experiencing soon. This has been an extreme example but it fits with anything that you think is going wrong. Remember – and use- my mantra: everything always works out for me!
I am grateful that even though I am doubting my writing ability, I continue to work at it