We See What We Want to See…..

Angry, frustrated, saddened, irritated…. Any other words to express discontent We all do this – even myself But when you’re the subject of it, it sets off bells and whistles within Ii frequently have to have iron infusions Yesterday was another one It’s no big deal, i just lie there for a few hours drip, drip, drip oh, and of course, there’s the vitals pulse, blood pressure and respirations Ah, this last point is the problem Every time I’m there the nurse focuses only on that my respirations. there aren’t enough of them she says as i talk with her freely and easily it’s too low as i laugh and tell her not to worry But, alas, she continues to worry every time is like a broken record So why am i irritated? two reasons She’s trying to make something be wrong where there is nothing wrong yet, she ignored the most important where there might actually be something wrong my weight is down 8 pounds in just one week that is not normal does she address that? of course not she hasn’t even looked at it she hasn’t even compared weights it’s all in the computer but that does no good unless you look at it she doesn’t see (or even ask) that i’m being evaluated for things that can cause this unusual and not so good weight loss it doesn’t matter because what matters to her is what she can see my respiratory rate i want to scream but don’t keep your eyes open look ALL around you wise old words “There’s more to this than meets the eye”

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