The Road to…. Nowhere

It’s been a long journey…7 1/2 months
3 weeks til I was supposed to leave
Now I have no idea if I’ll even be able to go

November it was just a matter of 6 weeks down
No problem…got a book written
(yet to get published unfortunately due to other’s lives..sigh)

December comes along
Should be good to go
Ready for an Arizona trip
A 6 day race with good friends!

Now it’s 8 weeks and things are no better
WTF is going on?
Ok so maybe I’m just old and it will take longer
So, cross Arizona off the books

January slides into existence
A new year, a new you
Isn’t that what people say?
Seems the “new” part just passed me by

Finally get things checked out by someone “official”
Off to physical therapy
That will fix everything, right?
Nope..a cattle factory – but nice people

Physical therapy then screws up my other knee
Now I’m gimpy on both hooves
Can’t even spell gallop let alone try to

March comes blustering in
My hero emerges though
A medical masseuse that can perform magic
Gets me back on the road with a tolerable foot

April brings the “hip” Terrie to the world
That, is a problem not so easily solved
He works and works and I can do more than before

Memorial day races come up
I can walk many miles
I continue to crank out the miles
Using my magician in between
Training hard, training long

3 weeks to go
Oh no
Uncertainty raises its ugly head

Perhaps a femoral neck stress fracture
Ortho here we come again
Can we get an MRI in time

Will I even have the chance to try
Uncertainty for the main course
Disappointment and despair on the side
Fear and regret for dessert….

What will the next 3 weeks bring…..