I bet you expected me to put a question here, didn’t you?
Well, the question is just “what is YOUR question of the day?”
I’ve adopted a new practice of deciding each morning what would be an important question for me to ponder that day. Not something like “oh my, what should I wear today?” but a more in depth type of question.
Before you groan and mutter “I don’t have time to spend on answering a dumb vague question”, hear me out.
I’m not suggesting you spend time contemplating your question as you contemplate your navel, although feel free to do that.
What I am saying is to simply take a minute or two to look beyond the day and think of a question that involves your life in general. Just come up with question, write (or type) it down and then let it sit in your mind. You don’t have to do anything else on a conscious level. Your brain is powerful enough it can ponder this while keeping you breathing, your blood flowing and your kids picked up. You may never officially answer the question. But the seed will be planted.
Try it for a day or two and see what comes up.
Here’s some examples:
“Do I want to continue doing all these long distance runs and more importantly train for them or is it time for me to move on to something else.” Notice i didn’t even include any question about “what else” might there be.
“Am I doing what I want to be doing most of the time? How do I feel about my days?” Ok so that’s two questions. You can make it one just by sticking an “and” in there.
“Is there something I really want to do before I die?”
“Are there people I need and want to make amends with?”
“What is my strongest quality?”
“What is my greatest weakness?”
“Who is someone that I know and really admire and why?” See, there, i put the “and” in.
“What subjects would I like to learn more about?”
“Can I sit still or do I have to be busy all the time?”
There are so many things we can ask our inner selves to think about. I imagine you’ll be surprised if you do this for awhile. You’ll most likely find yourself wanting to do more and live your life to a greater degree. Or maybe to give more to other people. Or, you may realize how happy you are with what you have and you don’t want to change anything. Only you will know the results.
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