There are so many things in life we take for granted…..
I’m big
I’m fat
I’m brown
I’m shaped like a box
I stink
I don’t even have a name, just a number
Who could love me?
Or even like me?
People trash talk me
They don’t think I have feelings
They don’t think about what they put in me
What they feed me
They use me many times a day
Without even thinking about what they’re doing
Then they take me out once (or maybe twice) a week
They don’t pay attention when I’m full or overflowing
They just shove more in me
They just don’t care
They don’t think twice about me unless i don’t do what they want
No one posts pictures of me
No one talks to friends about our relationship
No one is proud of me or what I do
I’m just there
They don’t care
They shove me behind a wall
Only to be seen when it’s convenient
Don’t you know I impact the environment?
I may be just one thing, but together we are many
You think I’m helping you remove your trash
Do you even know where I send it?
Do you think about what you discard?
What you simply throw away?
What’s the effect of setting me out 52 times every year?
Do you think of others as you think of me?
When you lose me, will you then see my value?
I wonder
You’ve taken me for granted
But what would your life be like without me?
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