The Comma Coma

 The “comma” is putting me into a coma After you all responded to my poem yesterday, I realized I haven’t been fair to you. You have been there with me on every other “trip” I’ve taken with all the ups and downs. Yet I’ve pretty much shut you out of this one. Why? I’m not sure but I think it’s because I felt that sharing it would just be whining. It wasn’t until this weekend when I surrendered to whatever is going to happen with my lower extremities and my life, that I understood so much good has come from the last 4 1/2 months. I will tell you it feels like two years. Over the next few days I will try to fill you in. And, of course, it’s easy to scroll past so you don’t lose consciousness. Speaking of losing consciousness, though, one of the most important things I’ve done in this 4 1/2 months is write my next book. That will be an entire post most likely because things didn’t turn out as I planned them (as happens so often in life). But, although this book won’t be for many people, it has much more important information than “It’s Not About The Miles” but I’ll talk about that another time. What I’ve been trying to get done is the editing so I can send it to my exceptional proof-reading/publishing team. It’s become very obvious to me that i never took any English classes even though i thought i did. If I have to correct one more “missing comma” or “unexpected comma that doesn’t belong here, bozo”, I will be in the inevitable coma. Resuscitation is only temporary until I get this part finished…ugh!

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