All the talk about goals and resolutions makes me bored.
I don’t really know why we focus on one particular day just because we turn another page in the calendar….I know that’s Scrooge thinking but it sort of diminishes the importance of all the other days in the year, doesn’t it?
Anyway, I thought there has to be a better way to go about your year. I decided that focusing on what you WANT is a great way to keep going in a positive direction.
So, instead of listing goals and resolutions solely (if it works for you, keep using it), why not write down a list of the things you want. These can be long term wants (to be a billionaire) or short term wants (I want to get into Vol State for 2023). But they should be things that when you think about them make you smile and feel happy.
“I want to be healthy” works much better inside of you than saying “I don’t want to be sick”.
When you’ve listed your wants, go through the list and remove the frivolous ones you just jotted down. Pick out the ones that really get your excitement levels up. Maybe they are your “Wow!” wants. Maybe they are your “this would really be special” wants. Or even “this would really make life a lot simpler for me” wants. Whatever your wants, focus on them. Make the list something you think would be do-able for the year. For instance break down the “I want to be a billionaire” into the things that will get you there. Not the same as the chunking for goal setting where the chunks are really small. These breakdowns will bring you joy!
Once you have your list, print it out, post it on your bathroom mirror or the refrigerator or somewhere where you’ll look at it often. Make a conscious effort daily to read the list, stopping to smile at each one. Play with this concept. Create visual images of you achieving each one. Make it a part of you.
Joy is a limited commodity nowadays. We can generate our own internal joy with listing our wants. Let the oxytocin begin to build up in your system and you’ll experience more happiness.
If you’re bored with goals and resolutions, like me, this is worth a try!