No Matter How Angry You Get, Violence is Never the Right Course of Action

59 years ago today, the president of the United States was assassinated (of course, many of you weren’t even alive then we can say the same about 9/11, the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor Day, and many other significant moments in history).

I would imagine that the majority of you that are old enough to remember this remember exactly where you were when it was announced. I know I do. No matter what your political beliefs, this was an unspeakable act – the President stands for all of us and to attack him was an attack on all Americans.

It was violence and cowardice all rolled into one.

We seem to see that daily now as so many shootings occur without any kind of logical reasons behind them. Violence and anger are not logical or rational. When you are angry, part of your rational brain loses blood flow and your ability to make decisions is significantly impaired.

The last things you want to do when you’re angry is continue any “discussion” because you will say and do things you don’t mean – and might not even remember. This is a survival mechanism. However, that is not an excuse.

What does violence accomplish? What does anger achieve? What does your reaction to anger lead to?

Teach your kids and grandkids about the horrible acts that have occurred in our past and on Thursday, give thanks you have not been an “innocent bystander” in a school, church, nightclub and have not been targeted for something you believe. In this country, you should be able to believe and be whatever you want as long as you’re not harming anyone else.

It’s only depressing to wonder what has happened and why but it’s also natural.

Take the next step, though, and see what you can do to positively impact the life of someone else today and all week. In fact, why not every day!

As Dolly Parton says “If you see someone without a smile, give them yours!”