
Today’s a perfect day for this new “game”.

Why? Because it’s the New York City Marathon Day, of course.

Now, don’t stop reading just because you’re not a runner/walker or a marathoner. It doesn’t matter.

What I’d like you to do is scan your memory or even your bookshelf. Or here’s an idea, go through your “Friend” list on social media.

Pick one person that you admire. It doesn’t matter even if you know them (but they’re on your “friend” list for some reason, right..ha ha).

Take 30 seconds to a 1 minute – that’s all it requires. You can do more or even less. You have control. It’s totally up to you.

Why did you pick that person? What is the first thing that comes to mind when you picked them? I mean, you have a ton of people to choose from – from world leaders, ancient philosophers, your mail carrier, you disabled neighbor or friend, an acquaintance who’s sick or struggling right now, someone who’s been the Phoenix rising and overcome hell to rise up again.

Now caress that one thing, that one quality or characteristic you saw. Describe what that quality is. Then express gratitude that you have seen this trait personified.

Ask yourself what you can do to cultivate that same attribute. Obviously (hopefully), it’s something you desire, or you wouldn’t have picked them. Why do you admire them? Make a list of what you need to do to either strengthen it in you or to develop it.

Today I pick Kim McCoy, whose comeback from a horrific car accident during a 340 mile race and a resultant amputated leg, is the stuff that “feel-good” and inspirational movies are made of. She is running in the New York City Marathon. Determination is the word that comes to mind when I think of her. This is coupled with persistence but I am going to use “determination” as my word of the week and write down everything I can think of that will emboss that quality in my daily life.

Best of luck to Kim and all the others who have worked so hard to prepare for the New York City Marathon!