Kindness is Free

So much of what we can enjoy in life is free. Yet, we never think of those things. To us, something doesn’t have much worth if it’s free. It has to cost something to be worthwhile. When you listen to online marketers they will tell you to charge something for your product or people won’t buy it because they don’t think it has any value. That is pretty sad in my opinion. Why do we have to assign a price/a cost to something before we’ll really look at it and embrace it in our lives. I was out on my walk yesterday and usually when kids go by, they just look and stare at the old lady even if I say something. I was sitting on a bench resting for a bit and this young boy rode his bike by and smiled and yelled “hi”. I looked up and the happiness and joy I saw in his eyes and his smile definitely hit home. And then he and his dad rode back the other way. By then I had started walking again and he said “hi” again and even turned around to look at me – engaging me, not staring. I was so impressed at how his parents had taught this young man to enjoy life and to be kind and friendly to others. How can you show your kindness to someone at least once a day this week? It’s free but it’s one of the most valuable things you have to offer to another person. Don’t keep it to yourself. Give it away!

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