I’m Having a Baby!

Or at least that’s what it feels like. I probably shouldn’t make that statement since I’ve never had one but I have delivered a few.

Anyway, creating my book is like a birthing process. Oh warning – this may be TMI for some, especially the guys…lol

Initially the idea took hold in my mind just like the joining of the sperm and egg.

Then it began to germinate and grow. It developed from a round “thing” into form.

After this gestational period, my water broke – the writing of this thing was like gushing water – at the time I called it my firehose but I think this is a better example. The words and pages just poured out of me. It was wonderful because it signified that it might actually become a reality.

Then came the editing process. I finished edit #1 which was painful and like a contraction.

Now I’m putting those edits in the computer – another contraction. Maybe I should have done the editing in the computer but I do better seeing the words on a printed page.

Then there will be the edit that has to do with rearranging content and maneuvering it around for the best effect. Babies move around until they get into position.

When they get into the birth canal it’s a tight squeeze and scary and painful. I see doing all the other things such as a foreword, proper references and footnotes etc.. as that process.

Then it will be ready for the final product – the birth – with all the joy and excitement that attends any baby’s birth. I just hope it’s not a breach presentation.

Cleaning up this final product is like wiping the baby off and putting it in a warm blanket.

It’s sent for publication – the umbilical cord is cut.

Then I’ll just be waiting for the afterbirth……

The trick to all of this I’ve found is to embrace every single part of it no matter how painful or tedious it is. It’s all part of the final product – the beautiful baby girl or boy. It’s been and continues to be an amazing adventure and I’m glad you all are coming along on this journey with me

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