Are You A Prisoner of War?

Wars are not just external. We wage wars within almost each and every day and sometimes those wars are much more fierce than any others. Why? Because we are waging war with ourselves. Why on earth would we do that? There are many reasons but most are buried in our past and we may never know what they are even with years of therapy. 

You don't need therapy to know that there is a war brewing or already raging inside you. You can just FEEL it. It's those heart pounding, sweat inducing, shallow breathing times of our lives and our days when you just don't feel good. I am not referring to not feeling good physically although that will be the next step if you don't use your own United Nations to end the war. I'm talking about that psychological tug of war you're most likely experiencing and don't even know it.

Your kids need this, your spouse wants that, your job demands something else and on and on. Your to do list rolls down the wall and onto the floor it's so massive. You know you could really use some alone time, a massage, a walk or run with some friends, a night out, uninterrupted time to be with or talk with a friend. But when? Everything and everyone else is pulling at your insides, tugging every which way to get your full attention. There are skirmishes within the wars. Each of the kids wants your full attention so they are at war with each other;
your spouse is jealous of the time the kids and your job take so he/she is at war with the kids and your job;
your boss demands your full attention and time - you have to produce perfectly - there's a war there between your boss and your family.

Can you say 'no' to any of these? Can you stop that constant nag on your nervous system? If you don't, there is a high likelihood that your body will then step in and "help you out" by manifesting something physical. It's trying to get your attention. If you don't get that message, it will send you another one and it will continue doing that until you do get the message. I have told you of how that occurred in my life and unfortunately I didn't hear the incoming calls until it was painfully obvious - literally. I learned a lot from that but hope you don't have to go through similar experiences although from reading your comments I think many of you are in receipt of the same kind of telegrams - do they even have telegrams anymore?

The other day I received a "text" from my soul. Fortunately I have grown to the point where I can identify some of these and ask the question "ok, what message is this experience trying to give me?" If you listen to your intuition, you'll usually be able to interpret it correctly. This signal was telling me to slow down. I know that sounds funny for someone who's retired but I have been going at full speed in the last 6 months or so and even more since the first of the year. I am reading as much as I can trying to read a book a day. There is a lot of material going into my skull and onto my brain's receptive surface. But I am not taking time to enjoy or process it. I put the books to the side telling myself I want to take notes but because it's on to the next one, that doesn't happen. So there's a war between the new knowledge/input and the application of that knowledge. As a result of listening to the message and knowing that if I don't pay attention to it now, the future messages won't be as benign, I decided to make a change. I will take one day a week where all I do is walk and then spend the rest of the day reviewing everything I have learned the previous week. Sort of clearing the slate to start the next week. I will have a peaceful ending to that war.

What about you? What can you do to ease the pain of the parts inside of you that are fighting so hard for your love and attention? What tools can you use? Will you use them? Do you want to wait until you develop pain or illness?

If you've been successful in helping to put out these fires within, post in the comments any suggestions you have for folks. We have to win the war within before we have any hopes of dealing with the external world.

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