The Cafeteria

Emmet Fox wrote this short piece about his experience when he first came to America. He saw a nice looking restaurant, went in and sat down. He waited and waited and waited and yet no one came to him to take his order. He was upset and a bit perplexed as many people around him were eating and seemed quite happy. He was feeling very neglected.

Finally he realized what a cafeteria was. They didn't have them yet in England where he came from. He discovered that there was plenty of food and goodies to have but you had to go up to the tables and choose from them.

The universe operates in just the same way. No one is going to bring you happiness or joy. You have to go up to the "buffet of life" and make your choices. Otherwise you may sit and wait forever, not getting anything out of life that you want.

So, if you want happiness, go to the happiness section and tell the universe mentally that you are claiming happiness for yourself. You don't necessarily need to detail what happiness means to you and in fact, you probably shouldn't. Why? Because what you think will make you happy today might not be it at all. I don't know if you remember when I told you i had wanted to be a neurosurgeon but then my epilepsy kept me from doing anything surgical. I thought that would bring me happiness and maybe it would have. But i will tell you that all the different things I ended up doing in my life made me extremely happy and I'm pretty sure I would not have been at such a state had I been able to go into neurosurgery. I received happiness and you will do once you claim it. But you don't really know today what will make you happy for the next 20 years or so.

Don't sit around waiting for things to happen for you. You have to take action in life. Once you decide what you want, then focus on that thought and ask youself some questions:

- What does this mean to me?
- What can I do today to start me on the way to x (whatever it is you picked)?
- How can I stay focused while it's being delivered to me and how can i always keep it in sight no matter what's going on around me?
- what actions can i take to repay the universe for these wonderful things that are going to happen to me?

You want to start taking action to help yourself. It's the start that stops most people.

What's on your plate today?

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