So, What Would You Do In This Situation?

Terrie’s Tip – Take a look at Ziva meditation described quite well in Emily Fletcher’s book “Stress Less, Accomplish More”. There is also an online version of it but that is way too expensive for me and she describes what to do in her book (audiobook is what I listened to).

Why am I promoting this? Because I’ve been following the plan (two 15 minute episodes a day in what she calls “the lazy man’s meditation” and surprisingly yesterday I found that it must be working some.

So let’s see. I will probably be too graphic but please forgive my “doctorness” coming through. I was supposed to have an abdominal ultrasound. When I called to schedule it, the prep I was given didn’t sound like what others had been in the past but the tech said yes that was it.

Fast forward from scheduling day to yesterday:
A) The doctor ordered the wrong test. But I’m not really sure who ordered it wrong. At any rate the radiology department decided that he said he wanted to look at the ovaries that was the test they would do. ONLY looking at the ovaries. Not the uterus or bladder. hmmmm

B) When I asked why they weren’t going to look at my uterus, they replied “because you don’t have one”. Well, that was news to me. I never have had a hysterectomy but because apparently the doctor had put “post hysterectomy” on previous requests for CT scans etc.. So that meant, of course, that the piece of paper (or nowadays it’s electrons) knew better than the person who was pretty sure she still had a uterus (which, by the way, was eventually confirmed – once again proving that talking to a patient is much more reliable than just reading documents)

C) I had to have a very invasive (for this old woman) procedure in order for the test to be useful. So, finally, due to the persistence, gentle nature and experience of the tech we got where we needed to be but not without pain. Sigh

D) Then I drive home and get a flat tire on the interstate.

E) And I had to wait (of course) for help and as such knew I was going to miss two other appointments.

Flashback a year ago and I would have been in a tizzy (I’m sure many of you know what a tizzy is – it’s a medical term of with issue A above. And it would have just gotten worse. But yesterday it was like “oh ok, what can i do to correct this? and “how can i get through the pain of this to get the procedure done?” “She was very nice and helpful, I need to write and compliment her”. Then with the tire “Oh, I’m so glad i got off the interstate”. “I hope I can find someone to help me” (yes i do have AAA but didn’t want to wait 4 hours), and “I’ll just email and change the other appointments”. Then while waiting I sent emails or messages to people I’d been meaning to connect with anyway.

Anyone who knows me will wonder when the aliens abducted the Terrie they know because that is not me. This change, even though it’s only been a couple of weeks, to me is simply due to practicing the ziva meditation twice a day, every day. Who knows. We’ll see what happens. Hopefully I won’t have to test it anymore

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