I had the honor of attending the memorial service for Dr. Anne Kunath today. It was so well done and brought back so many amazing memories of a phenomenal woman.
Amongst other things it made me wonder what a legacy really is and how you would want to be remembered,
Dr. Kunath was the most self-less person I’ve ever known. The only thing important to her was always how “you” were, not how she was. She cared about everyone else. She epitomized the concept of doing something for others every single day. But she never stopped with just one thing or one person. Anyone who ever came within her presence left as a changed person. How unique is that? Have you had someone in your life that lived that way?
Everyone today talked about the impact she had on them. It was definitely inspiring but it left me wanting to recommend to everyone that they practice what she preached every day as she did. To follow her example. To be a guardian of at least one other human being. To let others know every day that they are loved and are worth gold no matter what others may say. That brings a person’s spirits up more than anything else you could do for them. Love and respect are worth so much more than money. Money comes and goes but with self-respect comes confidence and with confidence you can further yourself and be all you want to be. This is what she did for everyone near her with just a look, just a smile, just a word.
She would do so much more though. She would help you see what you need to do to achieve whatever you wanted. She never gave up on you and never criticized you if you didn’t get it the first time. She was always there nudging you along with more education (not really advice but guidance). She’d hold your mental hands and was always there in case you needed some shoring up while you got back on track.
Everyone who has come in contact with Dr. Kunath has a responsibility to spread her love, light and knowledge as far as they can and to as many people as they can. It’s not enough to just talk about remembering someone although that’s important. But the real test of a legacy is continuing to keep her spirit alive by doing the same things she did. Each of us can have a positive impact on others every single day of their lives. Every morning when we wake up we should set the intention of somehow touching at least one other person that day. In that way we will keep her essence alive.
As her daughter said today – Dr. Kunath is present elsewhere. Her spirit is that of love and she exemplified love for everyone and anyone better than most famous people.
Today’s Gratitudes:
I am grateful that I was able to go to this wonderful service
I am grateful that my squirrels have not yet gotten to the bird seed
I am grateful that my windshield wipers worked even though they won’t turn off now….age does things to each of us
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