Anxious About Something You Know You Should Do?

I don’t know about you but i have a bad habit. i procrastinate and I procrastinate on the littlest things.

Sure I’ve read tons about procrastination but nothing really sticks.

But the subject of this post is the “anxiety” i have knowing I have to do something and haven’t done it yet. It’s weird. I’ll use an example or two. I have my business sales tax thing to pay. it’s not the filing, it’s just paying their determined yearly fee. But I leave the envelope unopened on the counter and just feel weighed down when i walk by it.

Something more simple but still “anxiety” producing. I am going to a celebration of life service for my great friend and mentor on Saturday. I have concerns about covid protocols but that’s not what has produced the anxiety. When I decluttered (which was after I retired) I got rid of so much of my closet that now i was worried did I have anything that would be appropriate? The other issue is whether or not it will still fit but I’ll deal with that later…lol…Anyway, I keep thinking “I’ll worry about that on Saturday” but every time I think of it, there’s that fluttering disturbance in my chest and body (anxiety is just a release of stress chemicals remember).

And thirdly – I saved a few photos of my “babies” (my Siberian huskies who have long ago travelled across the rainbow bridge – photos below if I remember) and wanted to keep them but not in just a pile. So I bought the right sized frames and they came about 2-3 weeks ago. The box of frames and the photos have laid where they were all this time and every time I walk past I get “anxious” (mostly it’s beating myself up that they are contributing to a messy look and what a failure I am that I couldn’t even do something so simple – this is a theme throughout unfortunately).

So today I decided that my body needed a rest from these 5-6 hour walks and all of a sudden I decided “just do them Terrie!” so I got all those things done. And I feel like there is a great weight off my shoulders. These three things are nothing things in the grand scheme of life but the weight of all the little things we have going on often outweighs the bigger things.

I encourage you to find something you’ve been putting off and just do it – or at least start doing it if it’s going to be lengthy. I don’t want to support Nike but they had it right – “just do it” and see how you feel. Good feelings are the stimulus for continuing to do uncomfortable things.

Have a great day!

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