Happy May Day (as opposed to Mayday..lol)
So this just came to me this morning. If we want to change our health and improve it, we need to work conscientiously on our nervous system and calm it down – decrease the stress chemicals and increase things like Oxytocin (the Love drug). There are so many ways to calm your nervous system but they need to be done consistently. I have talked about that many times before so I’ll spare you today.
Thinking and feeling optimistic and having hope are important to our health – not just our mental health but physical health as well.
What happens when you complain – either out loud or even just to yourself? Your body starts to react to what it perceives as stress and danger because you’re not happy with something. The brain doesn’t know that you’re just p.o’d at someone cutting in front of you in traffic. It just senses danger and does what it’s supposed to do – release the chemicals that makes you take evasive action so you get to safety. This leads to the feeling of “anxiety” which is just a chemical response not necessarily a mental health issue. Once we have that initial feeling of anxiety and we don’t recognize it as just a temporary thing, then it will continue to flood your system with more chemicals. I am pretty sure I wrote about the 90 second rule before. If you just allow those not so pleasant feelings to exist and not perpetuate them by being more afraid and worried, then the chemicals will metabolize in 90 seconds and you should be back to baseline. This is where deep breathing helps you get through those 90 seconds especially if you focus on having your exhalation be longer than the inhalation.
If you’re not aware of this phenomenon, you will most likely continue to be upset and maybe even more upset that that person’s actions have just totally ruined your day – and the stress chemicals keep flowing. And your day may, indeed, be ruined because you’re just perpetuating things. If you can wait the 90 seconds and let things get back to your normal physiological state then your attitude should be back to baseline and you can have a good day.
So…are you up for trying to go 31 days without complaining? Everyone uses the word “challenge” for everything so I won’t. It’s not really a contest. It’s you taking care of your mind and your body and your overall well being.
Use the 31 days to observe what happens inside you when things don’t go exactly as you’d like or as you planned. Even if you end up complaining, watch what is going on in your system and you will have benefitted from it.
Now this is not one of those things where you have to a) start over if you complain or b) report in or c) do anything you don’t want.
But it will be beneficial to observe your body’s chemistry at work and see what you can do with your mind and see how creative you can be to turn a complaint around. For instance, I got a jacket from Amazon today. It’s heavier than I’d like so I won’t be taking it on the event i wanted to. But i can use it. So here’s my choices:
-I can think “I wish it were lighter” and “I could return it” or
-i can think “damn it, why don’t they ever give you the weights. This was a waste of my time and now I have to either keep it or go to the post office to return it and with the pandemic I don’t want to go out, Blasted Covid”
Geez, even as i wrote that second one i could feel my pulse increase and knew that the adrenaline had been increased in my blood stream – AND I was just giving an example.
I’m going to do this and see what a different it will make in my outlook. Join me if you’d like. You certainly can’t lose.
Today’s gratitudes:
I am grateful I didn’t get caught in any flash floods yesterday
I am grateful I got done walking and could make it to the clinic to pick up my meds
I am grateful that I am happy and healthy!
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